Hi everyone!!
How are today?
Im really good, even knowing that i have a physics exam tomorrow. =D.
I'm in the couch whatching the world cup match Uruguay-Netherlands, right know its 0-1 but it is minute 34. I've seen really hard faults... obviously because they are playing for being at the final!.
Well my post title is 'Waiting for Edgar' that's because he's coming to my house for sleep here, that's because as i have said tomorrow he have an exam and he was at Madrid as i said in my last post, so i ask him to stay here this night, i didn't want him to drive at 6 in the mornings to Valladolid in a 2 hour-travel.
Well, to compensate this, i am going the saturday to madrid and i will stay with him in his sister house. =D. SO AT LAST , and after almost a hole year i will drink again a Starbuck's cofee. How i miss them oh dear.... I really want one starbucks at Valladolid PLEASE! we need one! all teenagers wants one!!.
WOW!!!!. URuguay have just SCORED so.. 1-1 at minute 41 goal from Forlan. I promise to tell you who won okay?
it's 9.12 Pm and it's 32 degrees outside!!!! oh god! this is horrible!.Oh man i have just looked for the temperatures tomorrow and it's gonna be 38 degrees =O.... i think i will die tomorrow studing at my bedroom.
Now i'll go with Edgar for a dinner i dont know if we'll have a pizza or hamurger.. we'll see. but he will be tired of driving.. so maybe i'll drive his car, also he LOVES his ' Fiat grande punto Sport' so maybe i wont drive it.. who knows.. but i have to say that he let me drive his car like twice.. =D.
ooooooooooh ! almost goal from Nederlands.. but it was offside! a few seconds.. and middle time! .
Talking about the pictures the top one its my frinds and me in a Disco.. i dont remeber where because it was taken long time ago, and at the bottom a picture of my last holidays at Cantabria (same place that im going this summer) at the beach!!!!... i have choseen this pic, because i want to go to the beach..
OH MY GOD desesperate houseswifes !!! there are new chapters??? =O how much seasons have been since it started? like 6 ? WOW!!!!!.

love love
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