How are you bloggers?
I'm here back again after one day in Madrid.
Yes i went there! =D.
FIRST OF ALL, have you seen the soccer world cup?? SPAIN WON GERMANY!!!!!!!!!
we are in the FINAL for first time in the hole history of this country! HUGE eh?.
Did you see the goal from Puyol? that was an unbelieve score...
i'm looking for it !
sorry of the bad quality.
Well so, Edgar arrived a few minutes after i uploaded the last post and we went for dinner, then we came home and we slept for be ready for the physics exam.
We went to the university the next day and we wrote the exam, then i called my mom asking her if i could go with him to Madrid but today its late so im going bed.. i will continue tomorrow, and i will post this.
Hi again, is not the next day its 3 days after i started this post. Today, its the DAY today its the finaaaal world cup !!!
Do you know that there's a octopus called PAUL who, its guessing who is gonna win in each match... and he havent failed any of the matchs of the world cup !!! awesome eh??, He has guess that Spain will win Netherlands! i hope he's right.
Today i will go to see the match with my frinds at down town =D i promise to upload pictures from it and telling you who won, i hope that the team would be SPAIN !

let's go Spain !
Talking about Madrid, do you want to see some pictures? :

this is Alcala's door

this was between la Gran Via, and Alcala Street

1st STARBUCKS from edgar.

This i the retiro

edgar and me in the retiro

This is the Spanish bank

and Cibeles fountain

edgar and me in the retiro

This is the Spanish bank

and Cibeles fountain
We walk a while around down town and we took the metro a few times, then we stopped in starbucks to have a iced coffe YUMMY !.
I was with Edgar in his sister's house it was so beautiful i like it ! i want one of those for me when i am older.
Only 15 days for holidays!!! im so excited OMG ! i need them !!! i need to rest a little bit at my bed doing nothing.
But we havent finished our exams so we have to wait, only 8 more days !. Talking about exams i have passed Calculo II =D it's one of the most dificult of industrial ingeneering. Im really happy, and i think i can passed the exam that i did yesterday ! im happy im so happy happy!!!! =D jajajajaj.
I think that is all for now.
promise to post tomorrow!! =D
Love love.
I was with Edgar in his sister's house it was so beautiful i like it ! i want one of those for me when i am older.
Only 15 days for holidays!!! im so excited OMG ! i need them !!! i need to rest a little bit at my bed doing nothing.
But we havent finished our exams so we have to wait, only 8 more days !. Talking about exams i have passed Calculo II =D it's one of the most dificult of industrial ingeneering. Im really happy, and i think i can passed the exam that i did yesterday ! im happy im so happy happy!!!! =D jajajajaj.
I think that is all for now.
promise to post tomorrow!! =D
Love love.
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