Well, today i've gone to the university to check my timetable for this year and i saw that i have 3 subjects at the same time in the second cuatrimester. WTF ! so tomorrow i have to go back and talk to someone who can fix it !

More things, the first week of september i went to london... i'll put pictures in here later k?,
after that i went to my village's fun week ! it was good but not like other years... now all people goes to Valladolid the city where there is more party and stuff to do.. i would like to go there too but this is the only thing that my dad loves, so ive to go to the village and ive to be with a pretty big smile in my face like saying ! hiii im having so much fun ! (but it is not true).
this video its from last year =)
what else? ive been going out pretty much with my bf! and we are very good i feel really happy being with him, 3 months and 1/2 and this looks like its going to be a really long relatioship YAY!
ill post later more about my travel to london... =)

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