lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

It hasnt been a good time.

There is sometimes when its difficult to listen to your heart, your feelings and yourself. But the only thing that you can do its wait and take a breath, take all the things slowly to figure out what do you really want.
Thats what i have done, i have been really sad lately because my relationship it wans it a good moment, and i was right, now we have decided that the the only thing that could work was broke up.
I am not really happy now, but im felling good, im feeling me more than  ever. Irene its here again, i have been under the bed lately and i didnt like that.

So, read this all the times that you need, but if you are not compy with something think about it and take a breath to think about your priorities and your happiness and what you want, because when you at least, know what do you want and how to get it, you'll be better than ever, you'll feel released.

It hasnt been easy take this decission for me, but i was what i have to do.
So my advice its whatever its going on with your feelings your thoughts, think, THINK, listen to yourself!
Do it for you, because you can do a lot of things, but the only thing that worths its YOURSELF, you can lose friends, boyfriends, family but the only thing that you will keep forever its your person... YOU.

This is a really dificult upload, and it have been really dificoult to write because, right now im not feeling really good, but i hope you can use this upload, and i hope this help you.


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