Have you ever think that you regret about the decision that you have take.
Probably your answer its yes, but have you ever think that maybe yo are not regreting maybe you only have doubts because it was one of the most dificult decision in your hole life?.
Well that's what it is happening me now, i am happy with the decision that i have took but sometimes especially when i see him i think that i am out of mind and that i shouldnt have done with i did,
But if i stop my mind for a second and i start to think all over again i feel quite better.
It doesnt matter if you made a mistake with that decision , what it really matters its to be strong and tell yourself that it was for you good, you can be upset with other people but if you are upset with yourself there is nothing left, because if that happends you have lost everything, and why?, because the most important thing its you.After that whatever could be your second important thing, your family you boyfriend, your friends whatever....
Sometimes make some decisions makes you feel sad and bad, it is then when your friends are more than ever in your life, you have to talk to them because they will help you in everything they can, for example my other ''leg'' in this kinda things its Andres, he is always thinking in me and what i deserve and if i made wrong, he calms me down and he says that it doesnt matter how much times i fall because what it really matters its that i have to stand up over and over again and i'll learn to do not fall so often, and he is right.
I know that sometimes you really did wrong but how could be the wold if anyones made mistakes? Do not worry and STAND UP AGAIN!!!!.
This is the way that i have for help people but it is not just that. Its my way to express what i feel and be more peaceful inside myself.
I am not feeling so good so far since this days ago, but writing this i have understand what it really worths, and that is my happiness.
I know that i wont feel really compy seeing him all the days at the university but he is still a friend, a really good friend must say. So thats what push me up again! thats my reason... whats yours??.
Find what push you up with the bad things because sometimes this mistakes are the ones which help you to stand and feel live. Courious right?
I know that somepeple thinks that i took my decision because this other thing was turning inside my head all the time, what should i say? maybe it is true, but whatever was the reason i did this, i have to go on with it.... So.. if this thing that it is in my head works,,. PERFECT! but it doesnt... i wont be sad... I'll just say, well it didnt work... what is the next adventure?
Must say that im scared of this, but i think that if you dont bet you wont win, so heres my bet. I bet it , i believe in miracles (not like religious miracles... its more like things that you never thought it could happend). If all this things have happened maybe this other thing can too.
Well i have realised allready that i have take a good decision, and it wasnt because this thing messing inside me works, it is because i want it before that rubish ( i dont know how to call it, god! i will say a really bad word... but it is not the place so i have decided for this ''cutest one'') that have came into my head.,
So i am good, i am happy and i am looking for things to do or think for dont listen to this ball that its jumping in my head...
Thanks for reading everyday.... its 845 visits already... and i hope we can get more.....!!
I think thats all for now.. but i have to star practising all this stuff....
Oh! by the way Alonso it is in the 1st place of F1 again ^^.
Its time to go to buy some presents for friends and o for a coffe with others... it is time to enjoy the day... this are my last words....